I’m working with the shooter example and would like to have players play a death anim but NOT ragdoll when killed. Where should I be looking to adjust this?
I tried hunting around the animation blueprint for physics blend nodes to no avail. Thanks!
I’m working with the shooter example and would like to have players play a death anim but NOT ragdoll when killed. Where should I be looking to adjust this?
I tried hunting around the animation blueprint for physics blend nodes to no avail. Thanks!
Figured this out. I didn’t realize that Shooter Game was a combination of blueprints and C++. The ragdoll-on-death is in ShooterCharacter.cpp, which I was able to just comment out to get what I needed.
I want to know the opposite. How do I make a NPC rag-doll once they’re shot at. I have a rag-doll Blueprint and I have a NPC that follows me. I want to shoot him and then have him turn into the rag-doll. Any ideas? I know it’s something to do with combination of them all in one class blueprint…
If you’re using the Shooter Example as a template with bots as the NPC sthen I don’t think you can do it with blueprints, since all the gameplay stuff for that example project is in C++. However, in code I imagine it would involve finding the function that causes the ragdoll in the on death function in ShooterCharacter.cpp and move it to where hit detection is handled.
That’s only if you’re using Shooter Example as a base, though.