In the above gif, I’m using a motion controller with a static mesh ( the mug) as a child of the hand. I’m trying to make it so I can push the box on the right towards the box on the left (it’s along the x-axis). The two boxes are joined by a physics constraint. You’ll notice though that if I approach the box from another angle, the box starts jittering and starts moving around in the Y and Z axes. I don’t want that to happen.
Even though my joint is set to only move on the X-axis, I think the problem is that the mug (that does not have physics enabled) pushes the box to a new position and then the physics engine snaps it back to where it should be with the constraint. Is there a way to somehow tell the physics engine to never update along the Y and Z? Or somehow manually set the Y and Z back to 0 after the physics tick has happened.
Any help is much appreciated. Hopefully my description made sense
Edit: The same thing happens if you make a cube (with physics disabled) move by changing it’s position every tick and have it collide with a physics enabled cube.