How to disable input except for one specific key?

I’m trying to make only the F key work when the player is under a specific condition, how do i disable all input with an exception? Any help is appreciated.

Hi man, there are probably more clever ways… the only thing i can think is add a function to the all the input, like a simple “if” when a boolean is off, all the input stop working but 1.
Disable the input for that, and use another actor with the input enabled to read only what you want and call a custom event in the off-actor to mimic the event input you want.

I run into a similiar issue, in my case for dialogue i wanted to avoid any movement and camera input. For those who still seraching and had a similiar problem :

I just add a bool variable wich then i check before the camera and movement input:

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You could just disable movement directly.

When done set movement mode back to walking.

Yet both of these solutions do not prevent non-movement “input” related actions from taking place.

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