How to disable gravity velocity for actor(with simulate physics) OR add impulse on event tick inside actor blueprint?

I’m trying to create a game with floating objects all around you can interact with.

I don’t want those objects to fall down with gravity. So I have to make them hoover. But they don’t hoover properly with them gaining velocity over time. One solution around would be to add an impulse in short breaks from below. But I don’t understand how impulse really works. I can’t reference self in actor blueprint. Simulate physics must be on because of other game mechanics and I’ve already set terminal velocity in world settings to 0.

Anyone? : )

I’m not sure what you are trying to achieve with terminal velocity. But you can simply un-check “Enable Gravity” under “Physics” on your physics-simulated component. And you will probably also want to give it a high linear & angular drag value, so it won’t float through the whole level after a collision. It’s more or less like air friction.

You can’t apply an impulse to an actor, because the function probably takes a component as parameter. So you need to connect your physics-simulated component here as well. You may get smoother results when applying linear velocity though.