I have a basic line trace pickup script on a tick, in which it requires “get mass” to calculate the mass of an object to see if its eligible to pickup, issue is “get mass” does not commute with non-phys objects, so when the crosshair is on a non-phys object this bug report is spammed: Floor_16.StaticMeshComponent0 1M_Cube has to have ‘Simulate Physics’ enabled if you’d like to GetMass. Is there a way to prevent non-physics objects from getting their mass?
here is the print, is there a method of branching “Is simulating physics” to have “Get Mass” disabled if they arent?
BONUS: Ideally I’d want pickup dependent on whether an object is classed as “pickupable” however i tried this method replacing Get Mass with a blueprint class i assigned on the object, but alas it does not compute, if this could be fixed as well i’d be most greatful. Thanks.