How to disable/enable skeletal mesh cloth simulation with level blueprint

I can disable cloth simulation in the with properties dialogue of a skeletal mesh but I want to disable and enable cloth simulations via level blueprint when specific events occur. Is there anyway to do it with blueprints?

I am also looking for a solution to this.

“Suspend Clothing Simulation” pauses the simulation and "Resume… " as you know starts to simulate the cloth again!
Remember this is just a sample!! use it in you own way!

Smash that like button if your problem is solved XD
Good Luck


Alternatively, you can feather off and on Cloth Blend Weight or Cloth Max Distance Scale, with a Timeline node, to interpolate the simulation smoothly, instead of having the cloth pop freeze in place.

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Whats important and is not being said is that one shpuld probably create a Cloth Management blueprint with a proper interface, then force the character to implement the interface, and control things from the manager by scripting Level Blueprint events that send appropriate calls.

How the interface is implemented doesnt really matter. You van just pop freeze or timeline it off based on taste.

The whole other setup is the chore part that makes advanced effects possible…