How to disable City Sample Game related features


I have downloaded the city sample and I would love to start creating some of my own sequences and cinematics. What I am struggling right now is that all the game related features interfere with the creation of cinematics. For example when I try and setup a camera in a sequencer and then rendering through MRQ, the wrong camera is chosen. I managed to change the GameMode override to the MoviePipelineGame but there’s still so much from the game mechanics that spills over. Does anyone know what things to need to be deleted and changed in the main BigCityLVL and SmallCityLVL.
I am also trying to use the main player character as my hero but that also has a lot of game mechanics that reset the position and animation that I have setup in the sequencer.
It all looks fine until I press play/render.
Many thanks,


I’ve just deleted a couple of game related blueprints. Don’t remember names. One was for UI and other was character realted I guess. Try running simulation and look for BPs that are popping uo when the game starts.

I’m also having troubles with game mode in City Sample and i dont know exactly how to disable the gamemode features but I guess this video can help you to render your shot

if your unreal engine render shot look like possessed by Gamemode, try to turn your sequencer related cameras and objects to spawnable

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migrate the small city level into another project. while selecting just select map…top four to be unchecked. You will notice external actors checked. but dont worry inside AI and other things are unchecked. while rendering the sequence make sure the camera actor to be spawned…all the best

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Choose map and write “traffic” In the outliner search. Delete 4 Bp related to traffic. It works for me.

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Need to bump this as I too am running into issues with the traffic and pedestrians running though my scene. I’m trying to create a couple of videos and all I need is the environment (city). I don’t need/want any moving cars or people (think post apocalyptic). Their game is getting in my way!! Please advise.

Just delete splines and build zone graphs again.