How to disable certain input key (for example x)

Hi, I have researched this out but haven’t found anything that has helped me. I’ve seen other people with this questions but I’m a beginner and there were no blueprint examples or anything.

So here’s my problem, I have a ragdoll and I’m able to get up in the middle of the air, or as I’m ragdolling off a cliff, which is not cool. So what I did is I checked the ragdoll velocity and if it was higher than a certain value I disable all input.

However, this disables camera, and I can’t open my options menu when I hit escape to quit the game or resume it. So I’m just falling down camera locked in place and the only way I can escape is if I use task manager.

This solved my problem but made more because I can’t press “x” to get my ragdoll character up in the middle of the air, and I can only get up when on the ground, but I can’t do other things as listed above. I would appreciate help and maybe a picture of your blueprints because I have had this problem for a while and couldn’t find anything so I gave up and decided to ask myself. Thanks.

Hey if you are using the latest version 4.17 or 4.18 you can easily do it. I highly suggest you check these videos in YouTube [link text][1] these will give you a hint on how to achieve what you want


Hey you can also add a simple bool condition for what you wanna achieve

Thanks! I might try the Remove Action/Axis Mapping thing that you sent me, but really quick I have a question. What do you mean by “simple bool condition?” What can I do?

Should I send you a picture of the blueprints I have right now?

Create a boolean variable (let say bool is named as maxvelocityreached) If ragdoll velocity is higher than a certain value then set the maxvelocityreached variable to true. On your input pressed check themaxvelocityreached value if it is true dont run the logic else run your logic. Check the ragdoll velocity on event tick/ on a timer and update the maxvelocityreached varaible

Hi, I know this was a while ago and I don’t know if you are still here but I tried looking at the youtube videos you sent me and I could not find “remove action mapping.” Did they remove it or did they rename it? I’m confused and I have no idea what to do.
(EDIT: I’m smart, I didn’t realize my engine was 4.16 and not 4.17. I thought it updated automatically. Sorry to bother you. This works like a charm!)