How to disable blue horizon line from the sky?

Hello, Ive been looking through this and I dont have any idea how to solve it.

I have this terrain and I want to add the sea. I added a plane and made it very big. The problem comes with the skysphere. That blue line showing in the horizon. I cant manage to get rid of it, tried Atmospheric fog, sky atmosphere and other options, but couldnt find a solution.
Which is the correct way to do this without too much trouble? If I select both the terrain and the sea meshes and increase the Z amount, the background line is still visible.

Thanks in advance!

Im using the basic template for a new level in 4.25, the “Time of Day”. When I select the sky dome it just selects that skydome mesh.
If I change its Z location value, it just changes the cloud tiling as this picture shows

Usually just move the sky dome down ( a lot ). I might be able to say a bit more if I knew which sky that was…

I made a new level from this template, I put the landscape in with defaults:

Dragged in default height fog:

Hard to see what your values are, default sky height is -7300000.0, landscape 100.

I think I found what was causing the “problem”. I imported the landscape using a heightmap (its an island), and then made a plane with not enough length to cover the whole sea surface. So at its limits the horizon line was showing.

I fixed it and its much better now. The only thing is that line in the horizon, like in your first picture, which I can fade using the ExponentialHeightFog -first time using it, I still need to see its options-

Drag it in and it’ll already be ok.

No, just drag an exponential height fog into the level :slight_smile:

Sorry but I didnt get it, drag what, the ExponentionalHeightFog values? Thanks again

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I suppose one should drag SkyAtmosphere component along Z axis (up or down).