How to differentiate 3rdPersonCharecter and its child?

I have a third person character that punch and kick. I made a child that does the same and made it Enemy AI. I also did another one to make a friendly team mate. I got it all set up. The only problem is when Me or the Ai dies the game over screen pops up for both of us. How can I make it so that the game over screen ui only pop up when me the player character dies and not the child? I have it set up in a branch so if it “____” then do nothing and if it is show the screen. Thank you



Hey ClockworkOcean. Thanks so much. I really appreciate the help. Okay so I see now that the cast is not working. It complies with no problem but its not firing off a print sting and fail. I also tried the child of Enemy AI and no luck. So the question is I cant cast to my child? Do i have to make an Enemy AI completely separate from scratch and then cast to that? I think that why they are all connected. Is it possible. to get the child separate? I know they have there own controller but thats not working either. Thanks

Thanks so much. So Im not getting anything. I guess that answers my question. They cant. What I did was just pretty much make a new AI from scratch in stead of child. I really appreciate the help.

One more question. This may seem really weird. How do I mark a question as answered or resolved? I don’t see the button anywhere? Can you literally screenshot it and show me where? I really cant find it. Thanks.

You don’t need to, it sounds like you’ve done it fine. Just make sure the end screen casts to your main player before trying to show the end.

EDIT: Like this:

You can’t cast to third person, because they’re all coming from third person. So, you have to check if you’re one of the enemy types, if you’re not, you must be the third person, and so you die…

Put a print string on the fail to see what you actually have there:


I just marked my comment as an answer, then the buttons appear :slight_smile:

Thanks so much. I really appreciate the help.

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