How to determine "Time Remaining (ratio)" within a Blendspace?

I have a blendspace for Idle->Walk->Run

I also want to have two different “prepare Jump”-Animations, one for Idle and one for Running.
Is there a possibility to distinguish the different ANimations in the Blendspace and also get the “Time Remaining (ratio)” of the single animations?

You just need to play around with values. Look at it this way. When should the blend occur? I usually set it between 1 and 0.1. Mess around with it till there’s no hiccups in the blend.

What? I’m not talking about the blend itself.

Question here then becomes: what does timeRemaining and timeRemainingRation output for a blendspace?
The given data for the first anim in the node? The actual blended data? The data of the anim pin which is closest to current blend values?

you should have a go and test it: set a print that constantly prints what the timeRemainingRation or time of your blendspace is, then trigger blends for that bendSpace and see if there is any variations.