hello !
UE4, likes forward to be the X axis (1,0,0, if we think of a Vector), right to be the Y axis (0, 1, 0, again a vector), and up to be Z axis. I’m only stating this, to make sure we are on the same page, and that nomenclature is not getting in the way.
So we have a actor / world, that likes (1,1,1), but when the mesh was created, and brought into UE4, then the Y axis (we’ll assume it’s 90 degrees off the X axis), was used as the forward axis.
I’m looking for something, that I can determine programmatically (C++), that will tell me, that the “natural” forward/facing vector/direction is the Y-Axis, or that it’s A Degrees off the X-Axis, so that the mesh or the mesh component, or the Actor itself, after the component is attached to the actor, can be rotated, causing the “Natural” forward vector of the mesh, to “align” to the actor’s forward direction.
If one looks, at the Static Mesh for the VehicleGame project, that mesh for the vehicle is aligned to what UE4 likes, i.e. the X-Axis, is aligned with the natural forward axis of the static mesh itself. (The vehicle’s “front” will be in front of the vehicles’s “rear”, as it moves forward on the X-Axis).
If we look at the InfinityBlade Adversaries pack, and look at those static mesh’s, they were brought in rotated 90 degrees. Such that when the Static Mesh Component (Or skeletal mesh) is moved forward on the X-Axis. The “actual face” of the mesh, is looking sideways, and it makes the static mesh appear to be “strafing” in it’s movement.
Thank you for your response,