How to determine a hit exact location with a collision box?


So what I’m trying to do is very simple, I have this “Sword”, the selected collision box you see there, i’m using that as a “DamageZone”

This is my overlap configuration:

I’m trying to achieve that when I hit this column, a mark appears like a scratch… Ideally like this example (btw the column has GenerateOverlap = true)


The event that seems to allow this is “Begin overlap” which has a lot of information regarding location, but that’s all empty because it’s not a sweep movement, is just a movement because the sword is attached to the player and moving with the arm.

So, all locations are null, how can I get what is the real Location where the impact happened? is there another approach to achieve this perhaps?

To use a “Trace line” I think is not a valid solution, because player could be looking slightly to the sky, and the sword could hit something while swinging, so not necessarily the “look at position” would have the real location.

Help please!