So what I’m trying to do is spawn a bullet which would fly foward, if it touches one of the randomly spawned EnemyAI Actors then the EnemyAI would be destroyed and the player would get points. ![alt text][1]
What I’ve done for the spawned bullet movement is when you press a key, it moves forward using Forward Vector (wherever the Player is facing).
The problem is, I have no idea how to detect when the spawned bullet touches any of the spawned EnemyAI Actors… I’ve only worked with the Player Character touching actors… Not other actors. How should I get this to work? Thanks.
A delay in a tick technically works, but it can have unexpected results. It almost acts more like a gate when used in a tick. Once a delay has been called once, it stops responding to future calls to it, and the nodes after, until the delay has been completed. In other words, the calls don’t “queue up”, so to speak, only the first one actually executes.
I never was never taught Linetrace and don’t really know where to begin with this…
I tried to Google for tutorials but basically everything I seen so far is for First Person, while I’m using Third Person (I think that makes quite a dif too?). Also quite a few things I’ve seen look quite complex, I barely know where to start.
Any tips would help please, like where should I connect it for my current BPs to grab the locations of both my bullet and any of the spawned EnemyAI…
It doesn’t matter if it’s First or Third Person, you can run a trace from anywhere, line or otherwise. The important part is figuring out how to get the start/end locations (vectors). You should get comfortable with figuring out how to get the location and rotations of objects (actors, components, etc) in the world. It’s very difficult to do anything else if you don’t have a good grasp on that.
That said, you really don’t need a trace in this case. You can do what you want with just an overlap event. You can call the overlap event on the bullet BP.