How to detect when player backs away from an invisible wall? (UE4-27)

I’m using blueprints in UE 4-27. I’ve put invisible walls at the edges of my landscape to stop the player. When player contacts the wall, a widget is displayed saying player has reached the perimeter boundary and must go back or turn left or right. All that works fine. But I’m having difficulty detecting when the player is no longer in contact with the invisible wall. I tried using “Is Overlapping Actor” node using the Perimeter variable as the target and “Get Player Character” as the “Other”. But the return result is always false!?!?. Any ideas on how to detect disengagement from the invisible wall???

Overlap only happens for volumes that can overlap.

I think the easiest way to build this, is to put a detector box right next to the wall, and show the widget when the player overlaps with the detector box, and remove it when the player overlap stops. (There are callbacks both for actor overlap begin, and end.)

In general, in Unreal, there are three main kinds of “collision”: The “bump into something” kind, which is called “blocking,” and the “overlap something” kind, which is called “overlap,” and the “cast a ray in the world” kind, which is called “tracing.” (there’s actually more to it, but this is a good start.)

Blocking and overlapping is automatic based on the physics simulation engine; traces you have to fire on your own explicitly.

Thanks, @jwatte.