How to detect the Transform change of the Component's Owner in the Editor ?

Found the solution!

When AActor moves, what actually moves is its Root Component.

There is a delegate USceneComponent::TransformUpdated and Actor always has the Scene Component at its root so I can easily call GetOwner()->GetRootComponent() and bind something to said delegate. I’m doing this inside of UActorComponent::OnComponentCreated override.

Full code:


	/* Note: This is inside of class derived from UActorComponent */
	virtual void OnComponentCreated() override;


void UMyComponent::OnComponentCreated()

	const UWorld* const ThisWorld = GetWorld();
	if (
		&& !IsValid(ThisWorld)
		&& !ThisWorld->IsEditorWorld()
		&& ThisWorld->IsPlayInEditor()
	auto OnOwnerTransformUpdated =
		[this](USceneComponent* UpdatedComponent, EUpdateTransformFlags UpdateTransformFlag, ETeleportType Teleport)->void
			/* Do stuff with transform here! */



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