Hi, I currently have my Physical Materials in UE4 assigned to the meshes of the grass used in the grass system. My Physical Materials call a data table that directs FMOD on what to play by using a data table that looks up the FMOD events or anything else such as particles…
I’m using this just fine for the landscape layers to create Foley audio when you drive over it. But I can’t seem to get my pawn to detect when I overlap the foliage.
Ideally, I’d like to drive over or through a big bush and trigger my FMOD audio event in the PM Data Table as well as any other particles effects in the table.
I know if we made these manually with trigger boxes, it could be done, but there has to be a more efficient way to just detect when you’re encountered an object in the grass system wit ha pawn, is there something I’m missing?
Right now, I’m currently using a ray-trace to determine the physical material. This works just fine on the terrain layers or on the collision with objects that have geometry on them. Such as speedtree…
Is there a way to know when the pawn overlaps the grass foliage system?
Any help or directions to be pointed in would be helpful. Thank you.