Sorry if the answer is super basic, but I cannot be able to find a way to detect when no actors are overlapping a trigger. I tried using Is Overlapping Actor but it does not seem to work.
If nothing overlaps a trigger nothing happens…what are you trying to accomplish specifically by finding out when “nothing” is overlapping a trigger?
Theres no event for when theres nothing iverlapping so you would need to pair something like a timer, tick, or another event with something like a get overlappin actors then check to see if there is any valid indexes
Hi! Drag wire from component ->Get Overlapping Actors ->Get Length of Array → if index == 0 or your variable then do things.
Sorry i was a bit unspecific, I needed to find out you crouch your player, and if it is under an object, the player cannot get up again until you get out from under the object. The problem is when you pass from under one object to under another. I put a collision box to detect the object above.
That’s even more confusing…if you crouch the player mesh moves down, and if it can fit underneath the overhead mesh everything is cool, you wouldn’t be able to “stand up” underneath a rock for example if there wasn’t enough room unless you messed up your collision settings. But under normal circumstances the character skeletal mesh is blocked by world static objects, assuming you are using the default Unreal skeletal mesh.
Yes when the player crouches, the size of the collision capsule changes, to be shorter, while the overhead detection box remains in the same place above the capsule that is shrunk. I later figured it out by using a counter. I will also try the answer below
if its just for the crouch then why not use a line trace and a branch. basically when the crouch button is pressed you line trace so many units upward to see if there is anything there. so if you get a hit you dont allow the script to run.
Ok I will try this