Hi all.
I’m trying to detect if the player character is facing another object using dot product but I can’t seem to get the correct results. The dot product still returns a negative number when the player faces the object.
I’m using dot product instead of a line trace as I want to be able to set a vision arc.
Here’s the code we use. Should be straightforward to translate to BP.
Looking at your BP might be that you aren’t normalizing both vecs? Not sure…
bool ABasePlayerController::GetIsActorInFrontOfPlayer(AActor* queryActor)
if (queryActor && GetCurrentCharacter())
// get normalized player to target vec
FVector playerToTargetVec = queryActor->GetActorLocation() - GetCurrentCharacter()->GetActorLocation();
// get normalized player forward vec
FVector playerForwardVec = GetCharacter()->GetActorForwardVector();
// get dot product of player to target vec and player forward vec
// if dot product > 0 then query target is in front of player
// using 0.1 because near zero is perpendicular and causes strange results
if (FVector::DotProduct(playerToTargetVec, playerForwardVec) > 0.1)
return true;
return false;
return false;
i just use FindLookAtRotation then break the result, if the ABS of the Z is within your vision arc HalfAngle they’re facing it. you could check Y as well if you care about height