How to detect BP actor on "land event"

I have an Actor Component who is affected by gravity. He starts to fall, and when he hits the ground, I want to call an event.

On “hit” event or on “begin overlap” is not called when actor is landed.

Actor is simple StaticMesh.

How can listen on same “land” event?

Base Actor Components are not affected by gravity.

Actor is simple StaticMesh.

Perhaps you mean that the actor owns a Static Mesh Component - a highly specialised actor component that can simulate physics? If so, with both Simulate Physics and Simulation Generates Hit Events, you can have the OnComponentHit fire when collision is detected:

Do note that you may need to follow it up with a resettable DoOnce node, otherwise the hits will fire rather rapidly. And, of course, the simulating mesh must have blocking collision.

Sadly, onLanded is something only characters can utilise.

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Thank you for your help.

Checkbox “Simulation Generates Hit Events” with combinaton “do once” help me.

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