How to detect a real red laser dot in UE

Complete and utter novice here.

I have a school project I have set myself.

I want to make an asteroid game that is projected onto my classroom wall.

The game asteroids have multiple directions that they are flying from whilst heading directly back at me - start at far background within game heading forwards towards me (not sure what that orientation would be called in game dev tech terms), that I then have to shoot with an arduino based red dot laser module I have already built.

I’m slowly figuring out how to create the game scene for the asteroids etc, but how do I get the UE game to interact with a real life red laser dot when I shoot a space rock? I’m guessing it will need some sort of external camera to detect the red dot on the projected surface, but other than that I have no clue how to detect it AND get it to synch with UE.

Any help or directions where to look will be appreciated.