How to detect a hit event for the entire time of the collision

I’m new to Unreal Engine.
I’m trying to make a print of the normalized position of a Player while walking on a platform.
I tried with the hit event event but, of course, it only prints the first contact.
I also tried the OverlapBegin event, but it won’t start beacuse I don’t go through the beam trigger. I can create a collision box higher than the platform, but I would prefer to avoid this solution if possible.
What you recommend?
I attach the picture of the test I did.
Do you also known of better methods to get the normalized position?

  • Line Trace downwards during Tick, get Hit Result. Most control this way.
  • or, the movement component already does all that, so you can merely retrieve the data:

Interestingly enough, this only returns when there is a hit - might be perfect. How often you do it is up to you; if you want an update every frame, Tick it is.

I’ll admit it’s a bit unclear (to me, at least) what the real end goal is, so I might be off my mark with this answer.

The ultimate goal is to have the player walk on a beam and deform it accordingly using the finite element method.
But, as I said, I am new to Unreal and for the moment I was simply looking for a way to get the normalized position of the player when on the beam.
By doing this I would like to learn and later to use the position for deformation.