How to destroy a matinee when an object is destroyed

Hey guys I have a small issue I have an object that once destroyed I want to destroy a matinee along with it but I can’'t
for the life of me figure out how to do it.

Same way. Presumably you’re using DestroyActor for the object, you can use that also for the matinee:


Hey thank you for the response yes the object gets destroyed when I fire at it but I want the matinee to get destroyed once that object is destroyed and I don’t know how to code it.

Screenshot - 579f7a1e4ce6c856eeef5958aa24e5b8 - Gyazo (This is the beehive that get destroyed once you fire at it)
Screenshot - e3aa5f9f5413f44a3b05bfd307da5b4d - Gyazo (This is the fire blueprint on sequence then 1)

Ok, show me the code you’re using to destroy the object.

Ok, I see, but where is the matinee? ( You could just put one of those nodes I’ve shown above on the end of seq1, for instance ).

But it’s sitting in the level, right?

So, wherever you want to code it, you can just put:


The Matinee doesn’t have any blueprints it is a BP class but nothing inside of it

Omg dude -.- I didn’t link the return value to the target thank you so much for your help ur amazing