How to "Destory" a Spawned Creative Prop?

How to Destory a Spawned Creative Prop after you Spawned it with the SpawnProp() Function?

SpawnedProp := SpawnProp(Element, SpawnPosition, IdentityRotation())

I´ve seen a Post from “Rodney_Houle” (Example on how to Spawn and Destroy Props using Verse) from November 2022 in which he used .Dispose() function but that sadly dosen´t work anymore.

Sounds like a bug. Dispose() should work. I’ll have our team take a look.

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Thanks for the reply! Please keep me updated if you know further information about this thanks!

What type of props are you trying to dispose?


nvm i´m using the “SpawnedProp” referece from the SpawnProp() Function so its a spawn_prop_result

Can you try something like this:

SpawnResult := SpawnProp(MyAsset, MySpawnPosition, MySpawnRotation)
if (ResultProp := SpawnResult(0)?):

Omg my bad i used the SpawnedProp for the Name in the if statement thanks for the hint it works now and thanks for helping/finding this problem.