I have packaged a game on HTML5 and it works fine when using the HTML5LauncherHelper.exe.
However I then uploaded everything to my web server and couldn’t get it to work.
Sometimes I would get a 500 internal server error, probably because of a bad .htaccess file edit.
Sometimes the page would load but the game wouldn’t work. It says in a red rectangle in the middle, “Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected token ILLEGAL”, and the log stops at “downloading symbols file”.
So this is overall very confusing, I have absolutely no knowledge of .htaccess files, http.conf, apache, etc. So how do I properly edit the htaccess to get it working, in a very noob language please?
By the way: the [documentation][1] seems to be very outdated: we no longer need to dowload emscriptem, python, etc. Also it needs info on how to deploy for the web.
After packaging the HTML5 project, you can simply upload the folder itself onto the website. So for example, c:\builds\VehicleAdvanced\HTML5*.* can be uploaded to your webserver, for example: to /var/www/html/name/games/VehicleAdvanced/HTML5/.
You may want to upload your project and provide the link to us.
I suppose I have to add a .htaccess file to enable gzip, as per the Readme.txt generated in the packaged folder, but I don’t know what to put in place of ${SRVROOT}.
Also tried the following folder: /home/magiados/www.magiadosdoces.com/game
I don’t really know what the folder is… All I know is that in cPanel, the initial directory says “/home/magiados” and in the FileManager, the path to the game is “public_html/game”.
Please upload a screenshot of your cPanel showing your files. We simply need to know how your file structure looks.
We’d also like you to try removing the .htaccess file temporarily and see what the page looks like while it’s being loaded.
Once you’ve gotten this information to us, the screenshot and removal of the .htaccess file, we should be able to provide you additional steps to resolve this issue.
By the way, which version of Apache are you using?
Regarding apache version… I tried several methods to discover it but nothing worked. My cPanel doesn’t show server status, phpinfo is blocked by my host, and I have no root access. So I guess the only way is asking them, I opened a ticket, but it could take a while.
As of some version between 4.9 and 4.23, packaged game extensions for compressed files have changed, so this is the .htaccess code that works for my server (the one from the previous reply doesn’t any longer):