How to delete Unreal Engine, which was build from source on Linux

Hello community,

I want to upgrade my Unreal Engine from ver. 4.21 to 4.23 on Linux Min. My old version was build from a source code. I did some search and see that I can’t just upgrade under the Linux from old version to the new one. I need to build it from sources again. But my question is how to do it correctly? How to remove the old version of the engine with all its dependencies, so, no garbage and broken links exits, before I will do a new and clear build creation.

Or maybe I can just replace the old one version with a new build? What do you, guys, can suggest me?
Thank you for your time and help!


Just remove old Unreal folder (shift+del to remove permanently) and build it again and it will be fine.

Thanks kubasama! Do it as you’ve suggested and it works fine. No problem found. I’m on Unreal 4.23 now.