Request for Removal of “Aether Trading Card Game” from Store to Address IGDB Error and Facilitate Rebranding
We are seeking the removal of our game, “Aether Trading Card Game,” from the store to resolve a persistent IGDB error and to support our rebranding initiative. The game is being rebranded as “Cards of Eternity: The Wheel of Time,” and this transition requires a new listing to align with the updated title and branding.
Despite our efforts, the IGDB error remains unresolved, and removing the current listing will allow us to start afresh with accurate information. This step is crucial to prevent any confusion among our user base during the rebranding process.
Requested Actions:
Remove the “Aether Trading Card Game” from the store.
Notify us upon successful delisting so we can proceed with creating the new listing for “Cards of Eternity: The Wheel of Time.”
Additional Information:
Rebranding Announcement: The rebranding to “Cards of Eternity: The Wheel of Time” was officially announced on February 26, 2024.
Early Access Launch: The Early Access version of “Cards of Eternity: The Wheel of Time” was launched on December 3, 2024.
Please let us know if you require any further information to expedite this request.
Thank you for your assistance.
Best regards,
Product Manager from Aether Games Team
Okay, I’ll create the case. Could you please let me know approximately how long it takes to get a response and what information or documents we need to provide to process our request?
Sounds like a well-thought-out request! Hopefully, the removal process goes smoothly so you can move forward with the rebranding without any issues. Wishing you and the team the best with Cards of Eternity: The Wheel of Time!