How to delete an asset that constantly crashes UE4?

Hello all,

I am using UE4 4.25.3.

I have recently starting experimenting with Datatables and using Structs to define them. My problem seems to have been caused by changing one of the Structs that my Datatable was using, when I was able to view the datatable I noted that I had lost of a lot of child data from the change, although it wasn’t that specific Struct I changed. However, things seem to have taken a turn for the worse.

I now have a Datatable in my content directory that will crash UE4 every time I right-click on it, or double-left click on it. I can single click it to select it and UE4 doesn’t crash, but if I then press DEL to delete it, it crashes.

I can only assume that there’s something trying to validate the Datatable at some level and because its unhappy with my changes its causing the editor to fail.

This is a little problematic as I am still trying to establish the structure of the table I want, and there may be the need in the future to change it, so these problems are not overly reassuring. But for now, I’d just like to know what is the safest way to remove this asset from the Content folder of the project. Is there a console command I can throw at it, or can I just delete it via Windows Explorer?

Any help would be truly appreciated.

Kind regards,


Couldn’t seem to edit my own post to add these, but here are the files from the Crashes directory, if they are of any use?

link text