We are having difficulty getting a shipping package to default to fullscreen upon starting. We are stuck with a window version of it, and even upon fullscreen, the taskbar and window frame are still visible. How do we fix this?
The answer should lie in your DefaultGameUserSettings.ini file. Inside āyour projectā\Config create a DefaultGameUserSettings.ini file. Inside that file, put the code below. Be careful that there are no spaces in front of each line.
This should default to fullscreen, using the native desktop resolution.
Note, that the double slashes are comments, and you can also set a custom resolution by uncommenting those lines, and setting bUseDesktopResolutionForFullscreen=False.
There are multiple fullscreen modes:
0 sets the game to true fullscreen.
1 sets the game to windowed fullscreen.
2 sets the game to windowed mode.
Also, for some reason when launching a standalone game from the editor, it completely seems to ignore the resolution values and just sets the resolution to some default. The packaged game should still use the correct resolution however.