I want to make mod for Dark Deception
This game was made on 4.24 version of Unreal
How can i decompile game and launch it on 5.2.1 version?
I’m asking this to make a mod, not for asset stealing, cheating and etc.
I want to make mod for Dark Deception
This game was made on 4.24 version of Unreal
How can i decompile game and launch it on 5.2.1 version?
I’m asking this to make a mod, not for asset stealing, cheating and etc.
You would have to ask the devs of the game to send you the project.
I don’t think that glowstick entertainment will give project files
I sended them an EMail. I hope they give me files
That game does not look extra complicated. Just recreate something like it.
I think i will just use UnrealPak, FModel, UAssetGUI and etc. to extract or at least view these game files. But i still waiting for you guys to tell me a better way to get all assets.