How to debug C++ with Rider?

Hello guys,

I’m somewhat new to Unreal development. Thus far, I’m finding most of the debug experience awful, probably by my own fault.

I’m adopted Rider as my IDE since VS2019 seems to have broken support for macros such as UPROPERTY and UCLASS, and being a newbie, IntelliSense helps a lot.

These are the issues I’m having:

  • When launching in debugging, Rider will open a new instance of Unreal Editor. I believe this can be worked around by attaching Rider to unreal, but…
  • When attaching Rider to the editor, I can’t seem to find the executable. Again, this may be me being lazy, but with a host of processes running, I’m having trouble finding it.
  • Whenever an exception is raised, Unreal Editor crashes. I’m guessing this has largely to do with Unreal architecture and the fact that my code is being loaded directly into the library, but it sucks. When trying to find a simple bug I get to restart the editor a lot
  • When stepping code, my execution pointer seems to jump around from time to time. Again, this is me being lazy - I didn’t take the time to check it, but does that have some to do with multiple threads hitting the same code region? It’s strange since that would mean multiple threads processing input (all my code thus far is connected to player input, AFAICT).

TL;DR How should I go about debugging my code?


I might be necroposting, sorry for this, but have you found the solution? I faced the same issue: while attaching to UE process it says that no executable code is associated. Thanks!

I have the same question. I guess you see something similar