How to debug an issue

So I’ve tried to build the engine but I’m getting some issues. The line “GApexSDK = NULL;” from the following block in PhysLevel.cpp…

…is causing an exception during runtime.

So what now? I could report the issue on answerhub, I could debug it… what’s the usual thing to do here? Are there some always-try-this-first options?

The engine ultimately loads fine - is this happening because I built a debug build?

Hi Antidamage,

Unfortunately the screenshot that you provided does not provide enough information about what is happening to be able to offer much assistance. There is a good bit of additional information that would be helpful.

  • Do you run into this issue when running the Engine through Visual Studio’s debugger, or when running the UE4Editor executable?
  • What is the actual error message that you receive?
  • Did you initially build the Engine using the Development Editor configuration, then build it again using a debug configuration?

With regard to your other questions, if you come across something that you believe could be a potential problem with the Engine, it is usually a good idea to post it on the AnswerHub, though there is certainly nothing wrong with posting here on the forums. Our staff members tend to keep an eye on both locations, though we are more likely to see something if it is posted on the AnswerHub, and when it comes to actual problems we are able to assign issues on the AnswerHub to individuals to have them investigated.

As for whether you should report the issue, or do some debugging yourself, the answer is definitely “yes”. It doesn’t hurt at all to do some searches to see if someone else has run into the same issue and already reported it to us. However, even if we are already looking into something, we would rather have you let us know again than to assume we are already aware of it and not say anything at all. When it comes to debugging an Engine issue, please feel free to do as much as you can. We realize this can be frustrating at times, and we are certainly willing to look into the issue to try to determine what is going wrong. However, the more detailed information you can provide about the issue, the better and faster we are able to dig into the issue.

No problem, I was just using this as a kickoff to ask that larger question. It’ll probably go away if I pull some updates so I’m not actually trying to fix it yet. :slight_smile: Thanks!

I had the same issue with the github release branch from yesterday (4.8.2).
I have some native classes that CreateDefaultSubobject USplineMeshComponents in the constructor and then call SetStartAndEnd()

My work around was:

void USplineMeshComponent::MarkSplineParamsDirty()

	if (!GetWorld()->AreActorsInitialized())
#endif // WITH_EDITOR


void USplineMeshComponent::MarkSplineParamsDirty()

	if (GetWorld() && !GetWorld()->AreActorsInitialized())
#endif // WITH_EDITOR