How to debug a standalone game from Visual Studio (no editor)?

I created a MyFirstPerson shooter, based on the template, and can run it in the editor. I can also launch it
I would like to run and debug this MyFirstPerson shooter as a standalone game, outside of the editor, in a way so that I can put breakpoints in Visual Studio.

When I choose the ‘DebugGame’ configuration of MyFirstPerson, the error "Failed to open descriptor file …/…/…/UE4Game-Win64-DebugGame/UE4Game-Win64-DebugGame.uproject’ shows.
Is there some document that explains all the configurations and how to configure/use them? (Debug, DebugGame, DebugEditor etc)?

Does anyone know the workflow to debug your game (with breakpoints etc) from Visual Studio, without using the editor/launchers etc?

You will need to set the path to the uproject as a debugging argument as well as the parameter -game. For example:

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I am also looking into this: cannot debug. For now, the VC++ spews this error message:
Unable to start d:\program files\epic games\4.7\engines\binaries\win64\ue4editor.exe
The request is not supported

I read that you need to compile the Unreal Engine from source - is that true?