How to deal with Unreal Units?

Hey guys,

using Unreal I do have a severe problem I cannot solve myself so far.
So I would be very pleased if you could help me.

I would like to know how Unreal Units can be defined.
I do have the problem that one grid does not equal one centimeter. From my point of view it rather equals one inch, what I do not like, as it is a bit confusing.

Is there a way to define a grid in its dimensions?

I am really looking forward to reading your answers

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You can change units by clicking from top menu

Edit → Project Settings


Editor → Appearance expanding menu clicking by arrow

And you can change units from dropdown menu. Also you can bind another unit scaling forms for this collection.


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Thanks for your answer,

but nevertheless I do have the following problem:
This is the normal scale of my map in top view

Measuring this 10 cm there is the following result

Why is the result of this measuring 25 instead of 10 and how can I change this?

Hey @Khubur
there is still the same problem

I guess that there is a problem conerning the grid size or something like this

Sorry, if you wanted to change editor prefences for viewport

From top menu,

Edit → Editor Preferences

After that, Level Editor → Viewports → Measuring Tool Units

I hope that helps!

Note: Default is cm. The scalability on the bottom one is how far from view of orthographic projection.

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Better late, than never. I guess what you need is grid units on the top bar in the viewport.
This will set the grid size to the number selected.

How to solve this issue. For me 1 meter is approx 125uu. I want to make 1m = 100 uu.

Hey! I just found out that for some reason this is affected by your display resolution settings. If you’re on Windows you can just change the size setting under “Scale and layout” to 100% and this fixes it. Mine was at 150% and this made 1m equal 150uu, so it’s likely your display is at 125%



LOL none of them understand our metric problems because they use imperial units…
1inch = 0,254cm and thats the real unit Unreal uses inside Actors.

I also would like to know how to use it 1x1 conversion