How to deal with big structures

Lets say I have a big Excel file, with just 3 columns (“Name”, “Level”, “Health”) but thousands of rows. Then I can create a new structure “enemyStruct”, with a string variable and 2 integers, save the Excel as *.CSV, and import it as dataTable selecting “enemyStruct”. Easy. Just some seconds creating the struct, and the hard work about filling the rows is done by the software.

But how if it’s the opposite, and instead of a lot of rows and few columns, I have instead 300 columns and just a few rows? Something like this:

Now creating the struct itself becomes time consuming, because I don’t just need to create 3 columns like before, but 300 now, and the UE interface doesn’t seem very confortable for that. For example, something dead simple in Excel like moving the 248th column to be the 2nd column, require 246 clicks in UE. Or confortability of moving from one cell to the one below with the keyboard arrows, and so on.

So there’s any way to import a structure (the structure itself, not the datatable) into UE?