How to deal damage to actors in radialforce area?

I have “explosion barrel” blueprint. After explosion I run RadialForce.

If a barrel explodes and radial force hits another barrel, I want it to explode too. The problem is I can’t register the radial force damage event on my second barel?
How to detect objects in the radial force “blast” area and follow it up with an event?

Thank you

Hey there @Rumburak29! Welcome to the community! So there’s a number of ways you can go about checking which actors were in range when it fired. Here’s an example:

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The problem is I can’t register the radial force damage

That’s because it does not deal what UE’s damage interface recognises as damage; it’s just force. If you’re working with destructible physics, you could have impacts detected but that could be unreliable and I would not lean this way. You could try it, ofc, providing you’re using Chaos or Apex destruction - are you?

There’s no good way to detect that very thing without over-engineering - nothing simple comes to mind at the moment, at least. However, assuming you Fire Impulse from the Radial Force component, follow it up with one of the Radial Damage nodes:

Entities on the bushiness end of the :boom: can then detect said Damage with:


Imho, this is vastly superior to just force impulses as you get to control what happens with an unparalleled level of granularity - especially after working in (optional) Damage Types.

Detecting stuff with overlaps could also work, but here you also automatically get a prevention channel which is handy whenever things go boom.

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