How to deactivate older Apple devices from your project


In making updates on IOS for our Testflight users, we have see some bugs appears that make our APP in position that can’t pass trough the Apple Review anymore…

Some new bugs appears on old devices…
The game is more stable on new device than before we seems to have corrected this bug - > 4.7.2 duplicated maps crash on IOS - Mobile - Unreal Engine Forums

But on old devices the problem is that now black screen appears and it’s seems to be a major problem for publish…

There is any way to deactivate old Apple devices like iPad1 or iPhone 4?

Appear on UE4.7.6 and Xcode6.2 …Xcode 6.3 dosn’t resolve the problem …

Thanks to let me know


Hi JYs,

It is not possible to build your .ipa’s plist to exclude specific device types. It is, however, possible to limit what devices can run your app through two ways. Firstly, by limiting the operating systems that you want to target, and secondly by requiring OpenGL ES2 GPU capability.

Here is the Apple Development documentation for setting the Deployment Target, or the lowest operating system that can run your app. Scroll down to Setting the Deployment Target.

Secondly you can require OpenGL ES 2, because the GPUs in devices before the iPhone 3GS do not support that version. All you need to do is specify opengles-2 under the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in your Info.plist file.

Good luck!