I have a blueprint that contains a destructible mesh and when I upgraded my project to UE5 I had to replace it with a with a geometry collection because Apex is deprecated. before with the destructible mesh I would use an “apply radius damage” node to fracture the box but that node isn’t compatible with geometry collections. How can I just damage the box on command?
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Hello there, another approach that worked well for me:
Create an actor with a capsule component blocking all and a rotating component.
Set its lifespan to 0,1 -0,2
Spawn it on line trace or from your hit location.
The rotation will cause physical damage to the collection.
The damage is depending on rotationspeed and mesh size/shape.
Additionally another projectile component is an option to add directional impulse.
May it be of use for someone out there!
Stay creative
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Hello please can you explain this a little? I too am stuck at the same place.