How to damage enemy?

Hello all, I have a damage issue going on with enemies. They can attack and deal damage to me, but I can’t deal damage to them. I thought I did everything right but obviously not. I’m not sure if it has to do with the blueprints or collision but I attached both + video of issue. Please help!


Enemy BP + Collision:

Character Collision:

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I also have this problem and would like to find a solution.

Can you show how you trigger that event of yours?

I’m not really sure what you mean by triggering but this is the attack setup on my character. Theres also more than one attack but this is the basic one. Only thing after in this screenshot is apply damage. (Couldn’t fit it all in one screenshot)

I meant how do you call that event named any damage. So far I couldn’t see any reason for it to be called so it’s expected for it to not be executed

You are tracing on the Visibility channel, yet the characters ignore it.

  • trace:

  • assuming this is the enemy:

tl;dr: have the capsule Block the channel you’re tracing on.

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I mean I did that same thing for my character and it works, so I thought it would be the same for the enemy. Should I make a class for the enemy and cast to that class on my Character BP when attacking? Because you’re right, I don’t have any calls to the any damage event on the Enemy BP

Yes you should trigger that event in some way, and also implement the other issue @Everynone mentioned as well, I didn’t notice that.

Note: You didn’t provide the code for that but since you mentioned your character is affected by damage, I think the reason for that is you handle the detection for that inside the character blueprint already

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Thanks, this worked! Such a small oversight but I definitely will keep this in mind for the future.

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I got it to work without having to call the event but thank you for your help!