I am building a customized version of the engine for my game. UE4 contains a lot of cool modules but in my game (a turn-based space strategy) many of them will never be needed. So in order to reduce compilation time loading time and runtime memory usage I am trying to cut engine modules which I don’t use.
And I encountered a weird trouble.
Since OpenGL supports wider range of platforms I actually want to use it on all platforms (for consistency), even on Windows Vista+. I rewrote RHI selection algorithm in RHI module to load OpenGLDrv as preferred RHI and I removed all the references to D3D11RHI module from Build.cs files. However when I am building the UE4Editor target, D3D11RHI is still being built (even though it is never loaded).
I am also trying to cut UMG modules. UMG is great and I am certainly going to use it in my next projects but for this one I have already done all the UI with regular Slate. So I removed all the references to UMG & UMGEditor from Build.cs files and removed code that referenced it in GameViewportClient.cpp. UMGEditor doesn’t seem to be built anymore, UMG however is still being built with UE4Editor target. So it’s the same issue as with D3D module.
This seems to only happen on UE4Editor target, when I build UE4Game it doesn’t seem to create any of the removed modules. How can I solve this issue? Thanks!