How to customize the settings of a LOD group?

Hey. I just came across with LOD groups but I’m not totally happy with their default settings. I’d like to change the settings for all my existing LOD groups (Small/Large Prop, Foliage, Vista, etc.) however I haven’t yet figured it out how. One of these customizations would include change Screen Size for a LOD level. (How) is it possible?


Check this post out. This seems to cover what you need: Link

That post actually kinda covers almost everything of what I needed however it still leaves open one of my problems. How do you set a Screen Size (for example) for each LOD level?

Sorry, I wasn’t able to find an answer to that. I would think you could add a parameter to the LOD in the initial file, but I am not sure what the parameter would be.

@MDancer, I added another comment to the thread mentioned by @engelmanna above. In essence, change the LOD-settings in one of your meshes: uncheck the Automatic Distance Calculation then in the mesh editor set the desired LOD Screen Size for each LOD level.

Back in the Content Browser, right click and select Level of Detail and Copy LOD settings from the mesh you just changed. Then select all the meshes you wish to copy the settings to, the right click and select Level of Detail and Paste… This may trigger a rebuild of the meshes, which took a lot of time in my case.


Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for!

Awesome :slight_smile:

Thank you !!!X)

Holy crap you just saved me from having to do this manually on 3000+ assets! XD
Why the hell is this setting not in the bulk Editor matrix?

If anyone wants to manually generate LOD’s using UE’s system, but in bulk, I made this bare bones tool for it if anyone finds that useful.

Simply dump the files in your content folder and select all your meshes you want to generate LOD’s for (in content browser) → right click → Scripted Asset Actions → Bulk → Bulk LOD’s.
BPU_BulkLODGenerator.uasset (194.8 KB)
DT_LODGroups.uasset (2.6 KB)
BPS_Map.uasset (3.7 KB)


2024 and this is still the best solution. Thank you, random UE user. You saved me an ungodly amount of time making LODs. <3

The blueprint may have worked for you, but when pasting everything inside the content, the data table does not know about the structure it was based on and the utility blueprint does not recognize the data table

A screenshot from inside the data table will do, if possible, as it got wiped.

If you want the raw assets, you can create a Plugin with Content only called “WoTAssets” and copy the sent .uasset files to the location “WoTAssets/Tools/LODGeneration”. Something like this:

And then it should work.

Therefore, if you just want to know the DT contents, here you go: