How To? Custom collision component within an actor bp

Hey all,
just tweaking part of my game that I kind of neglected lately,
I have this target, which is a barrel from the Industry Props Pack.
I created a bp actor, added a collision box component, added the logic to it, all works great.
However, the box obviously doesn’t work very well for a cylinder. The other targets that I have in mind are also more complex meshes.
How can I customize the component within the actor so that it matches the mesh perfectly? Is there a way to add a custom collision component, or do I just generate a custom collision for the mesh itself? How would I handle the collisions if that’s the only way? As of right now the collision detection is bound to the collision box with an On Component Hit event.

See screenshots below.

barrel bp:

barrel eg:

hi @cnapsys

Add urself a capsule component to the actor. Make it the root, then add your mesh as the child to that capsule.

Or in the Asset browser double click your mesh asset and it will open the editor for you to set more complex or accurate collisions for the actual mesh. then you could use it as a static mesh without being an actor if it doesnt need any interactivity. but looks like you want some explosiveness niceties going on so still, change the mesh collisions for hits, and if you need overlaps use the capsule component

thank you for your quick reply, I actually ended up using a custom collision on the SM itself. seems to be working fine.

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good stuff. can you mark it as resolved so others can see the resolution you used if they come across this thread, thanks!