How to custimize sequencer Time Snap Interval?

I’m seeing that within the curve editor, time snap is set by the sequencer - as best as I can understand, this is linked to the FPS and further defined in the Advanced Time Properties. But in the case that I want to snap to another interval, like every 4 frames or some other arbitrary number - is there a setting for that?

I can’t think of any normal use case where an animator would want to snap to sub-frame intervals, and it is very common that keys are placed on larger increments, especially for blocking purposes. I haven’t been able to find a setting for this, is there one?

Unfortunately, no there isn’t.

Not the same thing, but I’ll just suggest this - there is a Jump Frame Increment which will increment the current time with that value when you press Shift-Left Arrow and Shift-Right Arrow. Of course, that doesn’t snap keys with that increment, it’s just if you’re trying to animate on a certain frame increment, you could potentially use the Jump Frame Increment to skip forward that number of frames.

Better than nothing, thank you!

But really for full fledged curve editing, the snap button should adhere to some ‘snap amount’ just like the grid in the 3D viewport.

I’ll try this out and see if it’s more help than not.

Helpful suggestion, I think it would add a lot of value, especially as the sequencer is prone to placing keys within a frame of themselves, when so often, they are meant to override. For corresponding keys on various tracks, there’s nothing like the time suck of needing to manually align, or jump between tracks to get the current time indiciator on the one frame that you know it needs to land on. It’s nothing that can’t be corrected by being extra careful but just an extra tedium of the job that could easily be simplified with a snap increment.

How often does an animator actually want to place a key one or two frames apart? Usually down to the refining stage if at all.

Thanks for your input

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