How to crop a material/instance with a circle?

I have a texture/material/ material instance. I was wondering how I could crop it so that the red areas are transparent in the UI? I suppose it may have something to do with applying a filter? In escense, i want to crop out a circle out of a material.

but i’m new to working with textures and such. thank you for your time!

I came across with a node called spheremask, but i can’t get it to work (i know i’m missing input b) is there a way to make an invisible/ transluscent texture?

I eventually got it working like this; however, there’s a couple issues.

there’s no color (it seems to be in grayscale)

the black edges are, well, black. I would like them to be invisible.

in the end, this was just a monologue of my slow descent to madness. I hope it helps anyone who ay unknowingly stumble into it in the future. cheers!

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