How to created a Proper Layered Texture for a Structure?

I apologize if this question has been asked and answered but I have looked and I cannot find any good information on this particular subject.
There are 3 main texture files used on a structure, (Not including the color or Item Id map for painting)
1> The Base Color
2> The Normal
3> The Layered
I have created all of the maps using what information I can glean from notes I have found here and there. The base colour and the Normal Maps are easy, its the Layered texture map that seems to affect things like how the light reacts with the object, and to some degree the shade or ambient temp of the Base color seems to be affected (to a degree) by this final texture map.
The results I am getting are less than acceptable. The light doesn’t react the way it should and the Levels on the layered texture seem to be the key. In Photoshop the texture colours look good but when I bring it into the Dev kit and put it into a structure material it makes it darker and bluer.
The information I have found indicates that the layers texture map should have 4 Greyscale maps
Red - Metalness
Green - Roughness
Blue - AO
Alpha - Cavity.
That last one seems to be causing me the biggest grief as I cant seem to get an output that is similar to the Ark Textures, which I am trying to match. I have swapped out an random Ark Layered texture for one I have generated and the structure looks better with the random Ark Layered file than the proper one I created with the texture…

Does anyone know of a good method for producing a good layered texture map that will give good results in Ark Using Photoshop or even better if someone is familiar with Substance painter, how to setup substance painter to get a good result?