How to create your own attack animation in Unreal Engine

I’m currently using Unreal Engine 4.27.2 and right now I want to create an attack animation on Unreal Engine 4.

I don’t want to just pick up an animation on Mixamo, I wanted to create my own animation from scratch, but all the Youtube videos I find always show an animation taken from Mixamo.

Any help on what to do to get started? This wouldn’t be an animation created by an animation that already exists. This would be an animation that would start from it’s own beginning.

If you’re using a mannequin or its skeleton for your char, you can drop the mannequin into a level, animate its control rig in level sequencer, and bake that to an anim sequence.

If not using a mannequin, you’ll need to make a new control rig for them.

Or you could always just make animations in Blender or some other 3d editor.