But I don’t understand how to achieve it in unreal? I tried to use 2 uniform grid panels one over another but without good result. What can I do with it?
No, I don’t want drag & drop mechanics here.
I just can’t understand 2 things:
how to add connectors between slots:
so I thought I should use overlay where grid contains slots, and tiled image of connector;
and how to make this grid expandable with scroll box
You’d need to prepare the connector images of appropriate size & spacing, and tile them in the Border inside the Overlay. If this needs to be more dynamic, then it should be done inside material instead.
And an alternative is to make tiles that look like so:
So it’s one image, and then have rules for edges / corners.
Still don’t understand. I’ve adjusted all the widgets with 0 paddings and fill horizontally+fill vertically, but still getting tiny overlay. Is there someting in scroll box options I could miss?
the Scroll Box & Overlay do not matter as the grid inside will dictate the Desired Size they must adapt to and the border outside will help to wrap it.
The border with the background image needs to be inside the scroll box so we can scroll both - the grid & the background connector border. The Overlay helps keep them together so the scroll box treats them as one element. (a scroll box can only have one child)
And the last question I suppose. How to tile background texture? I tried to use scale parameter but it’s just distort image. I think I need something like padding, but it doesn’t work at all.