Hi there,
I’m trying to follow Zak’s tutorial for making puzzle ball game at specific minute 41:56 of this video : Blueprint Making a 3D Puzzle Game | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube .
Now the issue here for me is that i’m doing this for a chess board comprised of 64 identical tile meshes , i can’t create a different child blueprint for each one and name it tile01 …tile02 …up until …tile64 …, it would be tedious , …
…I want each Tile to be a child actor component of the main board blueprint,…the reason why i want this ,is that i need each tile to be aware of its sourounding tiles presence and toggle their state via the functionality called from the tile parent bp…
…and to do that i need to create 64 child blueprint inheriting from that tile parent bp which is tedious …So How to go about doing this…:eek:.???
…I know the solution is related to the construction script’s " Add child actor component " node ,but it still adding the same tile parent bp class not unique tiles child blueprints :D… is there a way to make " Add child actor component " node able to add unique tile meshes from the same tile mesh fro example…??
Thank you for your support :).