How to create the main lobe of an antenna on UE4?

Sorry if it seems a silly question, I’m pretty newbie in UE4. I need to implement the main lobe of an antenna propagation pattern in a 3D way. I’ve added a link of an image below to give some idea.

I’ve never had experience with this before. Does anyone have any idea or tips?
Thanks for everyone that might help!

I feel you’re not getting answers not because no one knows how to do it but because no one knows what is needed.

Any chance you could elaborate a bit for the non radio enthusiasts (?). How is this supposed work / look / behave in the end product? From the user’s perspective.

Thanks for answering, Everynone! well, the idea is pretty much the lobe in the image i’ve linked blasting from an antenna in direction to a drone flying on an environment. Take a look at the image i’ve attached below ( think that the walk-talk is a set of antennas, still looking for these assets XD).

So, the lobe is basically shot from ground Walk-Talk antenna to the drone, which is actually flying on a pre-defined route in the sky. The lobe is just a 3D representation that the beam shot is pointing correctly to the drone. The logic behind whether the shoot hit or miss is being developed, but I don’t know how to make it graphically, represent it graphically on UE. Searching I just found some tutorials of laser beams and whatnot.

If we look from the drone POV, the upside edge of the lobe will be pretty close to it, almost touching the drone, just to clarify because my poor edition of the image cannot clearly show it. So if we look at this horizontally, the cilindric part may really be a bit more longer than appears.

In case it’s not clear yet, please tell me so that I can somehow provide more info. Thank you again!


anybody around with some ideas, please?

If it’s not to make the required calculations to create the radiation pattern, then perhaps consider using a morph target animation for the pattern. Maybe???