How to create solid background for level?

I can’t found simple solution for my problem. I want to create solid background for my level. I no need skybox… I tried make solid material, set it for sphere bu it doesn’t works.

There is this UE4 for creating single colored skyboxes to use as solid color backgrounds.
Basically you just do the following steps:
1 - Delete default skybox
2 - Drag in exponential height fog
3 - Set Fog Height Falloff to zero
4 - Turn off atmosphere sunlight in light source
5 - Adjust fog instancing color to whatever you want

Also try to add post process volume → Unbound-> Make the exposure Min EV100 and Max EV100 to the same number; It will turn off the eye adaption in UE5 so the light would not affect by the camera and where the viewer is

Is your game a platformer/2d or 3d?

3D. I want to make sth like this

Thanks Martin, interesting tutorial!

Also back to the idea of just using a sphere - the easiest thing might be to enable ‘Two Sided’ in the main material node.

You’d probably also want to set the material to ‘unlit’ and pipe the color into the emissive channel.

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Pretty much on the dot here, whether it be a shere or just a plane in the background just place an unlit solid color material on it and that should do the trick